Holy Face Devotion

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Card, The Holy Face

Card, The Holy FaceCode: P0208  Price: £2.50

Card showing the Holy Face of Jesus, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life

Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life
Don BrophyCode: B2709  Price: £16.99

This is a full and comprehensive study of the life and works of Saint Catherine of Siena. This fourteenth century saint is renowned as an ...

Catholic Home Schooling

Catholic Home Schooling
Mary Kay ClarkCode: B0136  Price: £16.95

A Handbook for Parents. An in depth and refreshing look at the subject. Discipline, Home Management, Socialization, Catholic teachings

Christ the Ideal of the Priest

Christ the Ideal of the Priest
Blessed Columba MarmionCode: B1078  Price: £17.99

The highly acclaimed spiritual writer, Blessed Columba Marmion wrote this classic work on the priesthood to show the great holiness that priests are ...

Christian Warfare - Deluxe Edition

Christian Warfare - Deluxe EditionCode: B2134  Price: £46.95

Prayers, Hymns, Doctrine and Spiritual Exercises, many in Latin and English side-by-side. Includes: Daily Prayers and Indulgences

Christmas Colouring Book

Christmas Colouring BookCode: B2005  Price: £3.50

This colouring book about Christmas explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring. The Christmas story is interspersed ...

Classic Catholic Meditations

Classic Catholic Meditations
Fr Bede Jarrett, OPCode: B1668  Price: £16.50

to enrich your faith & help you pray. Meditations to Help You Banish Your Spiritual Lethargy and Grow Closer to God. Without regular reminders of ...

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume Two

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume TwoCode: B3328  Price: £46.95

A truly unique edition of the Old Testament in Latin (Clementine Vulgate/Clementina Vulgata) and English (Douay-Rheims)

Colouring Book - about Angels

Colouring Book - about Angels
Emma C McKeanCode: B2419  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Angels explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with Angels stories in Rhyme. 8

Colouring Book - Mary

Colouring Book - Mary
Emma C McKeanCode: B0484  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Life of Mary explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with an explanation of Mary's ...

Commentary on the Book of Psalms

Commentary on the Book of Psalms
St Robert Bellarmine, tr. By Fr John O'SullivanCode: B1506  Price: £45.00

After being called to the Cardinalate by Pope Clement VIII, Robert Bellarmine, one of only two Jesuit Doctors of the Church

CZY CHCESZ MI POMOC? Handbook of Devotion to Divine Mercy (Polish)

CZY CHCESZ MI POMOC? Handbook of Devotion to Divine Mercy (Polish)Code: B1267  Price: £4.50

This bestselling handbook of the Divine Mercy is now available in Polish!

Daily Meditations on the Psalms

Daily Meditations on the Psalms
Msgr C Anthony ZiccardiCode: B2847  Price: £9.50

Featuring for each day of the year, a quote from the Psalms, a reflection upon the text, and a prayer. Deluxe leatherette binding

Devotion to St Rita: Healer of the Impossible

Devotion to St Rita: Healer of the Impossible
Val ConlonCode: B3372  Price: £6.50

This prayer book brings together all the prayers, litanies and novenas to Padre Pio including many of the prayers he used to pray during his life

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Bishop Jaques Benigne BossuetCode: B1971  Price: £14.50

Translated by F. M. Capes. With an Introduction by Rev. William T. Gordon - Priest of the London Oratory. The great and learned Jacques Benigne ...

Devotion to the Holy Spirit

Devotion to the Holy Spirit
bookletCode: B0787  Price: £4.99

Explains the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord, and how to obtain them.

Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague

Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague
BookletCode: B0152  Price: £3.99

The fascinating story briefly told, plus the famous, powerful prayers and devotions to the Infant Jesus.

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of SienaCode: B2582  Price: £21.95

St. Catherine of Siena is recognized as one of the most remarkable mystical theologians of the Middle Ages. She was also a stigmatist

Diary of St Faustina: Divine Mercy in My Soul - Pocket Size

Diary of St Faustina: Divine Mercy in My Soul - Pocket Size
St Maria Faustina KowalskaCode: B1003  Price: £17.50

St Faustina tells her story as she kept it in her private Diaries. Compact Edition: (18 x 10.5 x 3.5 cm)

Dictionary of Mary

Dictionary of MaryCode: B0182  Price: £15.95

Revised Expanded Edition. A superb source book about Mary, written by foremost Marian scholars defines Mary's place in the Church and in the life ...

Divine Mercy Prayer Card with Gold Foil Medal

Divine Mercy Prayer Card with Gold Foil MedalCode: L0163  Price: £0.95

Divine Mercy Prayer Card with Embossed Gold Foil Medal on front of card, and prayer on reverse. 3.25" x 2.25" (8 x 5.5 cm - credit card size)

Dominus Est: It is the Lord

Dominus Est: It is the Lord
The Most Reverend Athanasius SchneiderCode: B2684  Price: £8.99

This book was sent to every Bishop in the United States and Canada. It is a must-read on the Source and Summit of our faith: The Holy Eucharist

Don Bosco and the Sparrows

Don Bosco and the Sparrows
Bettina Hermann and Sybille WittmanCode: B3299  Price: £2.50

This beautifully illustrated mini picture book tells how Don Bosco took some time out to reflect and reconnect with nature

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...Code: B2336  Price: £1.99

A very small booklet perfect to keep in your pocket or purse. Contains a list of actions for you to select "one or more" of for your daily practice

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform
The Society of St. Pius XCode: B3392  Price: £17.95

Two books in one: also contains the full text of The Problem of Liturgical Reform.

Elisabeth Leseur: Selected Writings

Elisabeth Leseur: Selected Writings
Sister Janet RuffingCode: B3323  Price: £22.95

This volume, the first in the highly praised Classics of Western Spirituality series to venture into the 20th century, introduces the writings of ...

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the HomeCode: B1945  Price: £2.95

The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a crusade to establish the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart in society through the family, the social cell

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel
Pope FrancisCode: B2224  Price: £6.95

Pope Francis encourages every Christian to rediscover the joy of a personal encounter with Jesus and then to engage with renewed vigour in the ...

Fatima for Today

Fatima for Today
Fr Andrew Apostoli, CFRCode: B1752  Price: £15.50

The Urgent Marian Message of Hope. Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady's call to prayer and ...

Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays

Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays
Rev. L. Dooley, S.V.D.Code: B2608  Price: £4.95

Contains thoughts and reflections suitable for the fulfillment of the First Saturday meditations. All one needs to do is ponder on one, or more

Fatima The Great Sign

Fatima The Great Sign
Francis JohnstonCode: B1046  Price: £16.50

The story, the message, and the meaning. Penetrates deeply into the theology of Fatima: the Rosary, daily duty, Eucharistic reparation

Feasts of Our Lord and Our Lady Coloring Book

Feasts of Our Lord and Our Lady Coloring Book
Matthew AldermanCode: B2945  Price: £6.95

Celebrate the Feasts of the Church with these magnificent colouring pages by artist Matthew Alderman. These 23 images include many episodes from the ...

Finding Forgiveness

Finding Forgiveness
Jim McManus and Stephanie ThorntonCode: B1073  Price: £7.95

Looks at every facet of unforgiveness - its causes, symptoms and consequences. Then, drawing on real-life case studies

First Fridays and First Saturday

First Fridays and First Saturday
CTSCode: B3113  Price: £3.95

The Devotions Explained, How to understand and practice two well known Catholic devotions. These well known devotions each have a fascinating origin ...

For the Love of the Church: Bishop Bernard Fellay

For the Love of the Church: Bishop Bernard Fellay
Robert LandersCode: B3225  Price: £11.50

As defined by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of Saint Pius X's mission is not based on a spirit of rebellion or controversy

Four Witnesses: The Early Church

Four Witnesses: The Early Church
Rod BennettCode: B0960  Price: £17.99

What was the early Church like? Contrary to popular belief, former Evangelical Rod Bennett shows there is a reliable way to know

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