Holy Face Devotion

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A Brief Catechism for Adults

A Brief Catechism for Adults
Fr. William J. CoganCode: B1248  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

This masterpiece was designed with convert instruction in mind, and is perfect for the task. Taken from the notes of many priests who used these ...

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A Child's Garden of Religion Stories

A Child's Garden of Religion Stories
Rev. P. Henry MatimoreCode: B3156  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

This first volume in the Madonna Series of study readers was intended for the third grade. Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old ...

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Aquinas's Shorter Summa

Aquinas's Shorter Summa
Saint Thomas AquinasCode: B3380  Price: £18.99Sorry, out of stock

Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica. The essentials of Catholic doctrine - clearly and succinctly presented

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Attaining Salvation

Attaining Salvation
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B1414  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Devout Reflections and Meditations. The promise of Eternal life has been a clarion call to the Saints for centuries, rousing them to action and ...

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Breviarium Romanum - Diurnale

Breviarium Romanum - DiurnaleCode: B1675  Price: £75.00Sorry, out of stock  (1)

The Diurnale is a single volume edition of the Breviarium Romanum containing all of the canonical hours of the day (hence the nickname) except ...

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Breviarium Romanum 1962 - 2 Volume Set

Breviarium Romanum 1962 - 2 Volume SetCode: B1890  Price: £220.00Sorry, out of stock

This Two Volume set of the Breviarium Romanum 1962 contains the complete canonical hours of the day in Latin. This particular edition was prepared ...

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Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels - Leather hardback 4 volume set

Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels - Leather hardback 4 volume set
St Thomas AquinasCode: B1605  Price: £145.45Sorry, out of stock

St. Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea is the masterpiece anthology of Patristic commentary on the Gospels and includes the work of over eighty Church ...

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Christian Community Bible - Green

Christian Community Bible - GreenCode: B2373-GR  Price: £20.50Sorry, out of stock

Christian Community Bible - Catholic Pastoral Edition. Revised edition. Born in 1971 as a result of the pastoral concern of the French priest ...

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Courage to be Afraid

Courage to be Afraid
Fr Marie-Dominique Moliene, OPCode: B3359  Price: £19.50   £18.95Sorry, out of stock

"Fr. Molinié brings us back to the essentials of the Gospel: the simplicity of following Christ and the grandeur of God's plan for us

Out of print
Daily Prayer

Daily PrayerCode: B1177  Price: £50.00Sorry, out of print

Daily Prayer is taken directly from 'The Divine Office', and includes the major daily offices of 'Morning Prayer', 'Evening Prayer'

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Devotion to the Precious Blood

Devotion to the Precious Blood
AnonymousCode: B1446  Price: £4.99Sorry, out of stock

This small but powerful book gives a whole new appreciation for the Precious Blood of Christ. Readers will see why the Precious Blood is a treasure ...

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Fathers Manual - Deluxe Hardbound

Fathers Manual - Deluxe Hardbound
A. Francis Coomes, SJCode: B1638  Price: £13.50Sorry, out of stock

The Original Fathers' Manual. Spiritual aids for the husband and father. Accommodates a long felt need for prayer and guidance

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Gospel According to Luke

Gospel According to LukeCode: B0699  Price: £4.50Sorry, out of stock

Handy pocket-size Gospel of Luke, using the Jerusalem Bible translation as used in the Catholic Liturgy.

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Handbook of Novenas for Feasts and Seasons

Handbook of Novenas for Feasts and Seasons
Glynn MacNiven Johnston, Raymond EdwardsCode: B3117  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

These newly composed novena prayers provide opportunities to develop our prayer life throughout the year. Each season and feast has its own themes ...

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Religious Liberty Questioned (The Dubia)

Religious Liberty Questioned (The Dubia)
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B3121  Price: £13.50Sorry, out of stock

Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais meticulously explore the question of religious liberty and give a crystal clear picture of what ...

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Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy

Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy
Fr Jim McManus CssRCode: B3371  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus

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Sterling Silver Holy Face Medal

Sterling Silver Holy Face MedalCode: N0207  Price: £45.00Sorry, out of stock

Sterling silver medal of the Holy Face of Jesus. 18mm (3/4 inch) diameter.

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Story of Our Lady - Colouring Book

Story of Our Lady - Colouring BookCode: B3081  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

Tells the story of Our Blessed Mother from the Annunciation to the Visitation to the Crucifixion. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story ...

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The Baptism Book

The Baptism BookCode: B1082  Price: £3.25Sorry, out of stock

Contains the Rite of Baptism during Mass., for one child and for several children From this well-known Liturgical book range

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The Celebration of Mass

The Celebration of Mass
Rev J B O'ConnellCode: B1508  Price: £35.95Sorry, out of stock

After having been out of print for over 30 years, this indispensable rubrical resource for the traditional Roman Liturgy has finally been reprinted! ...

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The Incredible Creed of the Jehovah Witnesses

The Incredible Creed of the Jehovah Witnesses
Rev Leslie RumbleCode: B0832  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Covers their founding in the 19th c., the many wrong dates of Christ's return, denial of immortality, the second chance

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The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet
Rev Martin Veth, OSBCode: B3378  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

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The Raccolta

The RaccoltaCode: B1383  Price: £37.95Sorry, out of stock

Revised under Pope Pius XII, this official collection (raccolta) of the Church's prayers and devotions was published in English in 1957

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The RSV Bible - Large Print

The RSV Bible - Large Print
2nd Edition (Catholic Ed)Code: B3404  Price: £50.00Sorry, out of stock

The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is acclaimed by many as the clearest, most accurate and most beautiful modern translation of the Bible

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The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli

The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli
By Sister Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B1760  Price: £22.95Sorry, out of stock

Sister Maria Pierina di Michaeli was a holy nun who died in 1945, was urged in many visions by the Blessed Mother and Jesus Himself to spread the ...

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The Way of Divine Love

The Way of Divine Love
Sister Josefa MenéndezCode: B3265  Price: £27.45Sorry, out of stock

Sister Josefa Menéndez was born into a devoutly Catholic family in Madrid, Spain on February 4, 1890. Endowed with an aptitude for prayer and drawn ...

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The Wine of Cana

The Wine of Cana
Fr Ludger Grun, SSPXCode: B2505  Price: £8.50Sorry, out of stock

This is not a book of "a thousand tips for a happy marriage." There are many books that one can find with many suggestions and valuable pieces of ...

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Thirty Favourite Novenas

Thirty Favourite Novenas
BookletCode: B0745  Price: £3.99Sorry, out of stock

Short novena prayers to Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Anne, St. Michael, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Gerard, St. Rita, St. Therese, Holy Angels

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Your Catholic Language

Your Catholic Language
Mary PerkinsCode: B2761  Price: £26.95Sorry, out of stock

Mary Perkins worked for Sheed & Ward publishers in the 1930s and was a close friend of Fr. Leonard Feeney who encourged her to publish this book

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Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer card x 10

Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer card x 10Code: L0401-10  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Beautiful prayer leaflet depicting Angels adoring Blessed Sacrament, with an Act of Spiritual Communion on the reverse: My Jesus

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Angels and Their Mission

Angels and Their Mission
Jean DanielouCode: B2477  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

The truth about angels - according to the Fathers of the Church. From St. Augustine to John Henry Newman, the greatest among the saints and men of ...

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Baltimore Catechism No. 4

Baltimore Catechism No. 4Code: B2590  Price: £20.95Sorry, out of stock

An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine, also known as Baltimore Catechism No. 4, provides teachers

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Benedict XV and World War I

Benedict XV and World War I
Fr Ashley BeckCode: B3244  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

This booklet examines how Benedict XV and so many others worked courageously to stop the carnage during the First World War against all the odds.

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Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor

Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor
Joseph PearceCode: B2176  Price: £18.50Sorry, out of stock

Father Richard Ho Lung, M.O.P. - poet, teacher, musician - is the founder of the Missionaries of the Poor, one of the fastest growing religious ...

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Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels - Hardbound 4 volume set

Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels - Hardbound 4 volume set
St Thomas AquinasCode: B2358  Price: £126.95   £120.00Sorry, out of stock

St. Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea is the masterpiece anthology of Patristic commentary on the Gospels and includes the work of over eighty Church ...

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Christ, the Life of the Soul

Christ, the Life of the Soul
Blessed Columba MarmionCode: B1042  Price: £17.99Sorry, out of stock

This is a classic guide to the spiritual life that had a direct influence on several popes, generations of priests and religious

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